Saturday, March 26, 2011

Baby Gift!!

Babies, babies everywhere! It seems like with my group of friends we are blessed with an average of 3 new babies a year! Well today we are "sprinkling" Alison's baby boy!

Since we are in the process of selling the house all my gift wrapping supplies are packed away. So I grabbed a clear plastic merch bag from work that we use for shipping online orders and (it's free!).

And then ran to a gift store this morning to buy a yard of orange ribbon and they gave me two remnants (for free!).
Here's what I came up with:

Tiny newborn tiger shoes tied to the top!

Then flip it over and I added this bib:

- Congrats Ali and John!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Alyssa! We love it. I'll send you a picture to post for the "after" shot once baby boy arrives!


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